


The Post-Apocalyptic Role Playing Megazine You Didn’t Know You Needed

We are extremely proud of the creative team we gathered for issue No.1, and now they are all back for SCIENTIFIC BARBARIAN No.2 — plus a few exciting additions! We’ve got a mini-adventure by James M. Spahn (The Hero’s Journey, The One Ring, Star Wars), fiction by James M. Ward (Metamorphosis Alpha, Gamma World, 77 Lost Worlds), and more great stuff from Levi Combs (Planet X Games), Skeeter Green (Skeeter Green Productions), Tim Kask, Travis Hanson, and Jolly Blackburn.

And of course, our Scientific Comics section returns with dynamite episodes of Knights of the Dinner Table by Jolly Blackburn, Onto the Wasteland by Travis Hanson, and John Darkeye: The Last Good Thief by Dan Smith.

Digest-size perfect bound, 88 pages

Editor and designer: Jim Wampler
Consulting Editor: Tim Kask
Copy Editor: Katherine Kirk
Cover Art: Daniel Comerci
Contributing Writers: Daniel J. Bishop, Levi Combs, Skeeter Green, Tim Kask, Scott Robinson, James M. Spahn, Charles W. Vieser, Jim Wampler, James M. Ward
Conrtibuting Artists: Ed Bickford, Jolly Blackburn, Luigi Castellani, Ala Fedorova, The Forge Studios, Keelan Halvorsen, Travis Hanson, William McAusland, Je Shields, Dan Smith, Jesse Toves, Jim Wampler, Chuck Whelon