Baby Boomer Fanboy (PRINT)


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Millennial nerds and Gen Z nerds don’t know how good they’ve got it, with more Star Wars and Star Trek movies and TV series than they can count. It wasn’t always this easy to be a nerd! This memoir from a decorated veteran details the glory days of nerd-dom, when all we had was bad TV sci-fi and only the occasional silver screen gem, just after the first great in-print sci-fi works had awakened us all to new possibilities. This warm-hearted history maps the transition of nerd culture from fringe to mainstream, with shout-outs to fanboys and fangirls of all ages.

About the Author

Scott Robinson is a writer and speaker in the fields of IT, social media and social psychology, and music journalism, with occasional forays into fiction. His eclectic career includes a decade as a systems engineer doing design work for NASA and the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense, more than a decade designing software for business and industry, and years of teaching and speaking, research in neuropsychology and social psychology, and music journalism. His work has appeared in publications ranging from the Wall Street Journal to Rolling Stone.

Softcover, 298 pages

Author: Scott Robinson
Cover art: Jim Wampler